Wednesday 19 June 2013

Deep End & New Items & New Furniture

Hey Guys Tinkatolli has had an update where there is a place at Sundunia Called the Deep End so I've got these exclusive pics..

You will need to buy a Diving Helmet at Garb for 200 Trinkets to access the Deep End !

Hey Guys Cola here with my exclusive pictures on the 100% New Tinkapad Items (I think they're new if not feel free to correct me!)


Hey Guys here's the new Furniture (please correct me if some of these were added already)

Thats all for today Adios Amegios!


Monday 10 June 2013

Hey Guys sad to announce that...

I'm shutting down Tinkatolli Trouble -this blog...

Because of a lack of helpers and that Tinkatolli isnt as exciting as MiniMonos I know you'll miss me but I'll be joining Lollo ( MAYBE helping out on there so ya ummm...Its hard to say this but I wont be on Tinkatolli as much either because ya see I'm doing Tinkatolli,ClubPenguin,BinWeevils  and partly Moshi Monsters so I won't be on TT as much as I was at the start I hope you understand...

Anyway the sites I'm on are:

Tinkatolli: ColaX

ClubPenguin: Cola X

BinWeevils: Spyrox

Jacks Journey: ColaX

MoshiMonsters: Gurglex

Lollo (coming soon): Cola


"See ya around guys on all these VW and carry on tinkering around"

~Cola and the


Sunday 19 May 2013


Hey Tinka's I recently made this song:


Oh Thats my Dynamite it might be small but sure has a lot of might

My Dynamite will shine bright in the light of the suns reflection

close enough to perfection

My Dynamite is part of me,we sing in perfect harmony

Oh Having Fun

Just me and my Dynamite,my dynamite is my singing place
just bolts out of my mouth with no trace

I can make a song and make the bell go bong

before the end of the day you cant take me and my Dynamite away Oh Yhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh Thats my Dynamite it might be small but sure has a lot of might

My Dynamite will shine bright in the light of the suns reflection

I will win the Music Election

making tunes with no sound

just me and my dynamite on the cold hard ground

oh I looked around

my song is worth more dan a pound

oh Sing away in the cool of my day

With all the time

I could make a rhyme

Just from the movement of a chime

Because of My Dynamite its not to small

or not to big,I could sing down a wall

No Need to fall

My Dynamite will help me in my music

So I aint gonna lose it

My Dynamite can do the impossible

even if you say it aint possible

I'm talking about my friends

no more dynamite just my friends

this song could neva end

but here I am getting tired

Oh my Dynamite I strongly Admired¬!!!!!!

That was my meaningful song,the Dynamite was repesenting my friends and if your felling down and upset sing this song that I made to yourself just to let you know that friends are there for you no matter what!


Yea I made that song up when I was tidying my room (don't ask) but I hope you like it plus I need you to message me on Tinkatolli what Type of song I should do next because I'm gonna have a whole page of them!



Hey Tinka's we are gonna be holding our FIRST Party woot woot Its gonna be so EPICCC anyways here are the main details:

Ok so the Party Games and how to play them are below :


To Play FastFingers the Party-Host will say for example, FastFingers : TinkaTrouble you would have to say the word that comes after FastFingers which in this case was TinkaTrouble the first person to say the word WINSSSSS!


Ok To play CHASE THE COLA you need to think that I LOOK LIKE A COLA CAN and you have to chase me "First one to actually catch me wins"

Meerkat Madness:

To Play Meerkat Madness your Party-Host will do and say a lot of wacky stuff and you have to copy him/her "When It Ends the Host will pick the person who copied them mostly correctly"
Guess the Tinka:

To Play Guess the Tinka the Party-Host will pick a Tinka in the room to describe and not tell anyone while everyone has to guess who it is,plus the Host gives 3 Clues Maximum!

Ok There will be a Surprise game at the end plus if you win a game you get to pick 2 things out of the room below:


Saturday 18 May 2013

All Memberships and Trinket Packs are HALF PRICE* – for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Spring Sale on Tinkatolli Memberships and Trinket Packs

 Hey readers,Tinkas are enjoy the spring. They really do. They go full on – like they do in everything they put their minds to.
Except this.
This year – they want you to enjoy it just as much as they do – at HALF THE PRICE!

Enjoy all the membership benefits of…
exclusive clothing, Tinka features, Makeables, items for your home – add floors to your home, earn trinkets from friend visits, DOUBLE the amount of coins you can collect, gain access to MudPatch for even more junk to collect!

As always: Everything you get as a member – you keep, if your membership runs out!
*This offer applies to the first period of recurring memberships only.
(example. 1 month recurring membership: first month is half-price, following months are full price; 6 month recurring membership: first 6 months are half-price, next 6 are full price…)

Ok its quite a good bargin so get your Membership (HALF PRICE) before May24th! 


Friday 17 May 2013

My new Style! :)

Heya Tinkas!
How are you all????
Im just showing you my new style on TinkaTolli
 Like It????
Tell me in the comments!!!!

Peace Out Tinkas! xD


Thursday 9 May 2013

STILL Under Maintenance!

Hiya Tinka's SO sorry that we have had to close TinkaTrouble due to us needing to update stuff as We have lots of stuff Planed but in the meanwhile I have left all the pages on the blog,and I put the Old Posts back on!So the Things we will be updating are:

  • New Author/'s!!!
  • ChatBox (maybe :P)
  • Couple of new pages
  • Guide Videos 
  • Parties and Competitions
  • A Mascot!

And a New IMPROVED banner :)

~Cola and the TinkaTrouble Team!